Amending an IEP

SESIS allows users to update a previously finalized Individualized Education Program (IEP). However, an IEP can only be updated if the student's parents or guardians provide consent.

Note: If the IEP document has not been finalized, you can make changes in the draft of the IEP. If the IEP meeting was already held, a new meeting must be scheduled to review the changes before finalizing the IEP.

There are four different ways to update a finalized IEP:

For a complete explanation of IEP amendments, refer the individual to pages 72-73 of the Standard Operation Procedures Manual (SOPM), which can be found in the SESIS Help menu and on the DOE website. The following are general guidelines:

Amendments Reconvenes
Modify a current-year IEP that the parent has agreed to and the student has been receiving services on.

Are required when there was no prior agreement, the IEP was never authorized, or when there are changes resulting from a legal action or mediation.

Depending on the circumstance, you can start the amendment process by creating a Notice of IEP Meeting, OR a Waiver of IEP Meeting.

A reconvene means that a change will be made to the IEP and a meeting with the parent must be held. Always use the Notice of IEP Meeting.

The Date of IEP will not change. Associated compliance dates will not change.

Compliance dates will be calculated from the date of the reconvene. When the document is finalized, the new date will appear on the IEP and Student Profile.

The parent will not be notified.

The parent must be notified.

The attendance page may be required.

The attendance page is always required.

To amend a finalized IEP

  1. In SESIS, locate the student's profile.

  2. From the Actions bar, click Documents.

    A list of all documents for the student appears.

  3. Determine if a meeting with the student's parents or guardians is necessary.

    Note: If the annual review was completed more than 12 months ago, a meeting must be held.

  4. Select from below.

If... Do this...
A meeting with the parents or guardians is necessary
  1. From the Create New Document drop-down menu, chose Notice of IEP Amendment/Reconvene.

  2. Click the Go button.

  3. In the Comment field, type Amendment.

  4. Click the Accept button.

    The Notice of IEP Meeting: Amendment appears.

  5. In the Date field, click the calendar () icon and select the date the letter will be sent.

  6. From the Type of Notice drop-down menu, choose IEP Amendment.

  7. Indicate a date and time for the IEP meeting.

  8. Click the Save, Done Editing button.

  9. Finalize the document.

  10. Print the notice.

  11. On the Actions bar, click the student's name.

    A list of all documents for the student appears.

  12. Click the link for the finalized IEP that needs to be amended.

  13. From the Actions bar, click More Actions.

  14. From the pop-up window, click Create Revision of this Document.

  15. Click OK.

    A new copy of the IEP appears in Draft status.

  16. From the Actions bar, click the Select drop-down () icon.

  17. From the pop-up menu, click Cover Page.

    Note: The Cover Page may already be selected.

  18. From the Actions bar, click Edit This Section.

  19. Make all other changes to the Cover Page, as applicable.

  20. Click the Save, Done Editing button.

  21. Review each additional section of the IEP and make any necessary changes.

    Note: Each section must be viewed in Edit mode and saved, even if no changes are made, before the IEP may be finalized.

  22. Print the Attendance Page.

  23. Conduct the IEP meeting. All participants must sign the Attendance Page.

  24. Create the appropriate fax coversheet and fax the signed Attendance Page into SESIS.

  25. Make any necessary adjustments to the IEP based on decisions made during the IEP meeting.

  26. Finalize the IEP document.

  27. From the Actions bar, click More Actions.

  28. From the pop-up menu, choose Compare With Previous Document.

  29. From the Actions bar, click Print.

  30. Click Print this document.

    The Print dialog box appears.

  31. Select the appropriate printer and click the Print button.

  32. Click Back to previous screen.

  33. Provide the finalized IEP and the IEP comparison to the parent or guardian.
A meeting with the parents or guardians is not necessary and the parent or guardian agreed to waive the meeting
  1. From the Create New Document drop-down menu, choose Waiver to Hold an IEP Meeting to Amend the IEP.

  2. Click the Go button.

  3. Click the Create button.

    The Waiver of IEP Meeting to Amend IEP document appears.

  4. In the Date field, click the calendar () icon and select the date the notice will be sent.

  5. Indicate the date of the last IEP meeting.

  6. In the From field, indicate what is currently recommended on the finalized IEP.

  7. In the To field, indicate the proposed amendment.

  8. Click the Save, Done Editing button.

  9. Finalize the Waiver of IEP Meeting to Amend IEP document.

  10. Click Send/Print to print the notice.

    Important: Clicking Send/Print tells the system that this notice was appropriately created. SESIS will prevent the amended IEP from being finalized without an attendance page if this step is skipped.

  11. Send the notice to the student's parents or guardians.

  12. When the parents or guardians respond, record their response in SESIS.

    Important: SESIS will prevent the amended IEP from being finalized without an attendance page if this step is skipped. The consent must be sent with the appropriate fax coversheet and the coversheet must include an appropriate date.

  13. On the Actions bar, click Documents.

    A list of all documents for the student appears.

  14. Click the link for the finalized IEP that needs to be amended.

  15. From the Actions bar, click More Actions.

  16. From the pop-up window, click Create Revision of this Document.

  17. Click OK.

    A new copy of the IEP appears in Draft status.

  18. From the Actions bar, click the Select drop-down () icon.

  19. From the pop-up menu, click Cover Page.

    Note: The Cover Page may already be selected.

  20. From the Actions bar, click Edit This Section.

  21. Make all other changes to the Cover Page, as applicable.

  22. Click the Save, Done Editing button.

  23. Review each additional section of the IEP and make any necessary changes.

    Note: Each section must be viewed in Edit mode and saved, even if no changes are made, before the IEP may be finalized.

  24. Finalize the IEP document.

  25. From the Actions bar, click More Actions.

  26. From the pop-up menu, choose Compare With Previous Document.

  27. From the Actions bar, click Print.

  28. Click Print this document.

    The Print dialog box appears.

  29. Select the appropriate printer and click the Print button.

  30. Click Back to previous screen.

  31. Provide the finalized IEP and the IEP comparison to the parent or guardian.
A meeting with the parents or guardians is not necessary and the parent or guardian did not agree to waive the meeting
  1. From the Create New Document drop-down menu, chose Notice of IEP Amendment/Reconvene.

  2. Click the Go button.

  3. In the Comment field, type Amendment.

  4. Click the Accept button.

    The Notice of IEP Meeting: Amendment appears.

  5. In the Date field, click the calendar () icon and select the date the letter will be sent.

  6. From the Type of Notice drop-down menu, choose IEP Amendment.

  7. Indicate a date and time for the IEP meeting.

  8. Click the Save, Done Editing button.

  9. Finalize the document.

  10. Print the notice.

  11. On the Actions bar, click the student's name.

    A list of all documents for the student appears.

  12. Click the link for the finalized IEP that needs to be amended.

  13. From the Actions bar, click More Actions.

  14. From the pop-up window, click Create Revision of this Document.

  15. Click OK.

    A new copy of the IEP appears in Draft status.

  16. From the Actions bar, click the Select drop-down () icon.

  17. From the pop-up menu, click Cover Page.

    Note: The Cover Page may already be selected.

  18. From the Actions bar, click Edit This Section.

  19. Make all other changes to the Cover Page, as applicable.

  20. Click the Save, Done Editing button.

  21. Review each additional section of the IEP and make any necessary changes.

    Note: Each section must be viewed in Edit mode and saved, even if no changes are made, before the IEP may be finalized.

  22. Print the Attendance Page.

  23. Conduct the IEP meeting. All participants must sign the Attendance Page.

  24. Create the appropriate fax coversheet and fax the signed Attendance Page into SESIS.

  25. Make any necessary adjustments to the IEP based on decisions made during the IEP meeting.

  26. Print the Attendance Page.

  27. Conduct the IEP meeting and have all participants sign the Attendance Page.

  28. Create the appropriate fax coversheet and fax the signed Attendance Page into SESIS.

  29. Make any necessary adjustments to the IEP based on decisions made during the IEP meeting.

  30. Finalize the IEP document.

  31. From the Actions bar, click More Actions.

  32. From the pop-up menu, choose Compare With Previous Document.

  33. From the Actions bar, click Print.

  34. Click Print this document.

    The Print dialog box appears.

  35. Select the appropriate printer and click the Print button.

  36. Click Back to previous screen.

  37. Provide the finalized IEP and the IEP comparison to the parent or guardian.

Last revised: August 9, 2012