Recording consent or denial to amend an IEP without an IEP meeting

An Individualized Education Program (IEP) can be amended without an IEP meeting only if the parent or guardian agrees in writing to waive the IEP meeting.

The signed waiver indicating the parent or guardian's response to the request must be faxed into SESIS using the appropriate fax coversheet.

To record consent or denial to amend an IEP without an IEP meeting

  1. Locate the student's profile.

  2. From the Actions bar, click Documents.

    A list of all documents for the student appears.

  3. Click Waiver of IEP Meeting to Amend IEP.

  4. From the Actions bar, click Fax Coversheet.

  5. From the Category drop-down menu, choose Waiver to IEP Meeting to Amend the IEP.

  6. From the Form drop-down menu, choose Waiver to IEP Meeting to Amend the IEP.

  7. Indicate the date the signed waiver was received.

  8. Indicate whether the parent or guardian agreed to waive the meeting.

  9. Click the Print button.

  10. Fax the coversheet along with the signed form to the number provided on the fax coversheet.


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Last revised: November 10, 2010