Locating a student profile in SESISSESIS users have access to view the profile for all students for which they are authorized. Authorization is based on a combination of the user's role and school or student affiliation.
To locate a student profile in SESIS
- From the Open drop-down icon (
select Students Search OR in the Quick Access box, under Students Recently
Worked With, click on (Search for Other...).
- Type the search criteria, using one of the following methods:
- In the Last Name field, type the first few letters of the student's last name.
- In the ID field, type the student's OSIS number.
Tip: If your search results are too broad, type additional text until your search results are narrowed.
Tip: If you are searching for a student that you have already worked with in SESIS, you may choose the student's name from the drop-down menu in the Actions bar.
- Click the Search button.
The Student Search Results page appears.
- Locate the student's name from the list.
- Click the magnifying glass (
) icon next to the student's name.
The Student Profile appears.
- To view additional sections of the student's profile, click the Select drop-down (
) icon and choose the appropriate section from the pop-up menu.
Note: As documents are created, additional information is added to the student profile that relates to the document, such as the date a notice was sent or the date parental consent was received. This information is not editable.
Important: Student demographic information cannot be edited in SESIS for students who attend a New York City public school program. This information is pulled from ATS and all changes must occur in ATS. For non-attending students, the CSE may edit a profile in SESIS.
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SH7002 |
Last revised: September 20, 2012 |