Providing IEP progress reports to parents and guardians
The progress a student is making towards the goals identified in his or her Individualized Education Program (IEP) must be reported to parents or guardians periodically throughout the year. The frequency of these reports was identified on the Reporting Progress to Parents section when the IEP was developed and is reflected on the Measurable Annuals Goals section of the finalized IEP document.
Important: This procedure does not provide instructions for completing the Reporting Progress to Parents section of the IEP. That section is completed during the IEP development phase.
To provide IEP progress reports to parents and guardians
- Locate the student's profile.
- From the Actions bar, click Documents.
A list of all documents for the student appears.
- Click Individualized Education Program (IEP).
The IEP document appears.
Important: If the student's SESIS record contains finalized IEP documents from multiple years, be sure to select the most recently finalized IEP document. This is the IEP that is currently in effect.
- From the Actions bar, click the Select drop-down (
) icon.
- From the pop-up menu, click Measurable Annual Goals.
The Measurable Annual Goals section of the IEP appears.
- For each goal you wish to provide progress on, do the following:
- From the Actions bar, select the goal from the drop-down.
- From the Actions bar, click Edit This Section.
- In the IEP Progress Report section, check the box for the appropriate progress report.
- From the Methods of Measurement drop-down menu, choose the appropriate method.
- From the Report of Progress drop-down menu, choose the appropriate level of progress.
- From the Progress Toward Annual Goal drop-down menu, indicate whether the annual goal(s) will be met.
- Complete the remaining questions in the progress report.
- Check the Print Goals/Progress Report checkbox.
- Click the Save, Done Editing button.
- From the Actions bar, click Print.
The Print dialog box appears.
- Choose the appropriate printer and click the Print button.
The progress report prints.
- Click the Back to previous screen link.
- Give the progress report to the parents or guardians.
Note: There is not a cover letter to go with the progress report. If you choose to mail the report, you may print the generic Mail To coversheet.
Related topics
Completing the IEP in SESIS: Measurable Annual Goals section
Completing the IEP in SESIS: Reporting Progress to Parents section
SH7303 |
Last revised: May 9, 2011 |