Completing the IEP: Testing Accommodations section

Each student's Individualized Education Program (IEP) is comprised of many sections. The Testing Accommodations section appears on all IEPs for all students.

This section identifies any testing accommodations needed, specific to the student's disability and needs, to be used consistently by the student in the recommended educational program and in the administration of district-wide and State assessments.

To complete the Testing Accommodations section of the IEP

  1. Locate the student's profile.

  2. From the Actions bar, click Documents.

    A list of all documents for the student appears.

  3. Click Individualized Education Program (IEP).

    The IEP document appears.

    Note: If the IEP document does not appear on the list, create a new IEP document.

  4. From the Actions bar, click the Select drop-down () icon.

  5. From the pop-up menu, click Testing Accommodations.

    The testing accommodations section of the IEP appears.

  6. From the Testing Accommodations drop-down menu, choose the appropriate testing accommodation.

  7. In the Conditions field, type any relevant conditions, such as the type of test this accommodation will be used for or a specific length of time for the test administration.

  8. In the Implementation Recommendations field, type relevant details such as the amount of extended time needed or the type of setting required.

  9. Repeat steps 6 - 8 for all testing accommodations.

  10. Click the Save, Done Editing button.

Last revised: February 17, 2011