Completing the Child Outcome Summary form

Each student's Individualized Education Program (IEP) is comprised of many sections. The Child Outcome Summary form is required on IEPs for preschool students who will turn 5 by December 31st of the following school year, also referred to as Turning 5 students.

This form indicates the student's entry and exit scores on specific skills and behaviors.

Note: This form only appears on IEPs of students who are designated as Turning 5.

To complete the Child Outcome Summary form

  1. Locate the student's profile.

  2. From the Actions bar, click Documents.

    A list of all documents for the student appears.

  3. From the Create New Document drop-down menu, choose Child Outcomes Summary Form.

  4. Click the Go button.

  5. Click the Create button.

    A new Child Outcomes Summary document appears.

  6. Complete all sections of the Child Outcomes Summary document.

  7. Create a fax coversheet and fax in any supporting documents.

  8. Finalize the document.

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Last revised: March 18, 2011